1. Andorra
2. Angola
3. Antigua and Barbuda
4. Bahamas
5. Belize
6. Benin
7. Bhutan
8. Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
9. Botswana
10. Burundi
11. Cambodia
12. Cameroon
13. Cape Verde
14. Central African Republic
15. Chad
16. Comoros
17. Congo, Republic of the…
18. Côte d’Ivoire
19. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
20. Democratic Republic of the Congo
21. Djibouti
22. Dominica
23. Equatorial Guinea
24. Eritrea
25. Fiji
26. Gabon
27. Gambia
28. Guyana
29. Honduras
30. Jamaica
31. Kazakhstan
32. Kiribati
33. Kuwait
34. Lao People’s Democratic Republic
35. Lesotho
36. Liberia
37. Libya
38. Liechtenstein
39. Malawi
40. Maldives
41. Mali
42. Marshall Islands
43. Mauritania
44. Monaco
45. Myanmar
46. Nauru
47. Nicaragua
48. Niger
49. Oman
50. Pakistan
51. Palau
52. Papua New Guinea
53. Paraguay
54. Saint Kitts and Nevis
55. Saint Lucia
56. Samoa
57. San Marino
58. Sao Tome and Principe
59. Seychelles
60. Sierra Leone
61. Solomon Islands
62. Somalia
63. South Sudan
64. Swaziland
65. Tajikistan
66. Tonga
67. Turkmenistan
68. Tuvalu
69. Uganda
70. United Arab Emirates
71. United Republic of Tanzania
72. Vanuatu
73. Yemen
74. Zambia
75. Zimbabwe
If you know artists (painters, graphic or sculpture artists, photographers) from these countries please help us to complete our list.
The Inter-Art Board.