25 years of Inter-Art, dedicated to the promotion of contemporary art on all meridians of the world

The „Inter-Art” Foundation was set up in 1996 and proposes an alternative approach to contemporary art, as a link between civilizations and cultures, opening a worldwide arena for contemporary artists thanks to his active founding members Ștefan Balog, Ioan Hădărig, Robert Lixandru and those who have joined them over the time in coordinating projects: Zoltán Balog, Elena Cristea and Andrei Bakó.

Stefan Balog, President, “Inter-Art” Foundation, Aiud: “A quarter of a century of Inter-Art! An anniversary moment in which the actual moment is unfortunately missing. All that remains is the virtual, symbolic, socially distant anniversary. And remain of course the 25 years, with good and bad, sadness and joy, special projects or goals still unachievable. But all these aspects form a unique story of an artistic alternative, a different approach to the artistic and creative concept… I hope the 25 years of Inter-Art mattered and it wasn’t just a spark. We are at an important turning point, a moment of celebration that opens the next door for us to step further, to a place in history.”

Ioan Hădărig, Art Director, “Inter-Art” Foundation, Aiud : “Talking about 25 years of Inter-Art in Aiud means to realize that an artistic phenomenon, created in a provincial town in Transylvania, Romania, has managed to shape artistic destinies, to impose values ​​of the Romanian contemporary art in an international context, to offer national and international cultural alternatives, to express ideals, feelings, experiences, attitudes…”

Robert Lixandru, General Secretary, “Inter-Art” Foundation, Aiud: “Inter-Art”, turns 25 – a quarter of a century, a project of a lifetime. Happy to be a part of it.

Mesaje pentru „Inter-Art” la 25 de ani de activitate

Greetings from Mr. Sergiu Nistor Presidential Adviser Department of Culture, Religion and Centenary Presidential Administration

“In its 25 years of existence, the Inter-Art Foundation from Aiud has been a promoter of dialogue between creators, as well as between artists and art lovers. Moreover, the foundation has built a very valuable communication platform between Romanian artists representing all ethnic groups in Romania, as well as between Romanian and foreign artists, testimony in this sense being the 24 editions of the international artcamp and the two editions of the interethnic camp of contemporary art organized in Aiud (2016, 2018). The diversity of artistic expressions is actively supported and promoted by Inter-Art on the occasion of all organized events.

This approach based on dialogue and collaboration is the distinctive brand of the Inter-Art Foundation, a series of state and private institutions in Romania and abroad supporting these initiatives of the foundation.

Through exhibitions presented in prestigious venues such as the United Nations headquarters in New York, the European Parliament in Brussels or the Palace of the Nations in Geneva, Inter-Art is a true ambassador of intercultural Romania.

In recognition of the foundation’s activity, in 2018 and 2019, the President of Romania awarded his High Patronage to the Interethnic Camp of Contemporary Art Aiud (June 5-15, 2018), to the exhibition “Images of Diversity” organized at the European Parliament (June 26-30 2018) and the Romanian contemporary art exhibition “Multicultural Identities” at the United Nations headquarters in New York (May 27-31, 2019).

I congratulate the Inter-Art Foundation Aiud on the occasion of its 25th anniversary and I wish all those involved in its activity many successful projects and a good national and international visibility in the future!” 

Greetings from LACZIKO Enikő Katalin State Secretary, Department for Interethnic Relations General Secretariat of the Government

“7 years of collaboration embracing a variety of common projects as art camps, national and international exhibitions as well as online exhibition have led to a fruitful and strong partnership based on common ideas regarding the role of culture and art as the most efficient ambassador in promoting diversity. Culture represents knowledge, and above all, recognition of our own values, because the concept of culture only makes sense in the wider context of the interaction among people. It is not enough to think of culture as an accumulation of values throughout time, culture is an act of defining identity, of belonging to humanity – is an open window, a bridge to universal civilization.

The Inter-Art Foundation develops interethnic and intercultural programs that promote these ideas and bring significant contribution to the contemporary art in Romania and to strengthening interethnic relations since 1996.

The Department for Interethnic Relations and the Inter-Art Foundation resonate along these ideas and collaborated in annually bringing together artists from the 20 national minorities of Romania and majority to create a platform for dialogue and interaction to promote cultural diversity based on tolerance and being surrounded by ideas, concepts, beliefs and personalities shaped by different backgrounds.

The Department for Interethnic Relations is honored to have contributed to the success of these projects and assures its openness to support programs that aim to bring together all the artists belonging to different ethnicities and to promote them and their works on national and international level. Recognition and awareness of cultural differences and identities expressed and represented by the artists aim to enrich the intercultural dialogue, enhanced by the exhibitions.”

Greetings from Iulia Adriana Oana Badea, Mayor of Aiud Municipality and Dr. Lőrincz Helga, Deputy Mayor of Aiud Municipality

The constant involvement, during the 25 years, of the “Inter-Art” Foundation in the cultural-artistic life of the municipality of Aiud has materialized through dozens, if not hundreds, of cultural events of a high standard for the citizens of our small community. Which is why we are grateful to them.

The “Inter-Art” camps, the countless exhibitions and other cultural-artistic projects carried out within the excellent collaboration with the “Liviu Rebreanu” Cultural Center have made Aiud one of the most important centers of culture in Alba County. From this close collaboration events came out such as the two editions of the Interethnic Camp of Contemporary Art or the “Images of Diversity” art exhibition, organized under the auspices of the High Patronage of the President of Romania. Thanks to them, the city of Aiud won in 2019 the Award of Excellence in Cultural Promotion offered at the AMR Gala. The “Inter-Art” Foundation has become over time synonymous with “culture” in Aiud. Reasons why we are proud of them and support them in everything they do.

Hundreds of artists from dozens of countries have visited Aiud over the past two decades and taught us, through their creations, that art and culture are universal languages. The “Inter-Art” Foundation has helped to embrace diversity, multiculturalism and respect for each other, regardless of ethnicity, religion or gender. The “Inter-Art” Foundation reminds us through each of its projects that together we are better, which is why we chose this to be a common message of thanks: Thank you Mr. President Balog Stefan, Mr. Secretary General Robert Lixandru and Mr. Art Director Ioan Hădărig. Together we make an excellent team in Aiud. We hope you continue what you are doing, at least as much as so far!”

More informations at: www.inter-art.ro/25years/