Intercontinental Biennial of Small Graphics „Inter-Art” Aiud
the IXth edition, August, 2023
Bienala Intercontinentala de Grafica Mica “Inter-Art”
Organized by / Organizată de
“Infer-Art” Foundation Aiud / Fundația “Inter-Art” Aiud
“Liviu Rebreanu” Multicultural Center Aiud / Centrul Multicultural “Liviu Rebreanu” Aiud
Artists in the exhibition / Artiști în expoziție
Togo: Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani
Ethiopia: Tamerat Siltan, Birhanu Manaye
Eritrea: Biniam Afwerki
Argentina: Nestor Rossi
Canada: Susie Veroff
U.S.A.: Patricia Goodrich, James Carroll, Doug Zucco, Evan Summer
Haiti: Patrick Cauvi
China: Xia Li
Japan: Toshifumi Kawaguchi
Lebanon: Lena Kelekian
Albania: Oriola Kureta Semenescu
Armenia: Hagop Sulahian
Austria: Gautier Bransha
Croatia: Irena Gayatri Horvat
Cyprus: Hilda Kelekian
Denmark: Rich Dethlefsen
Finland: Grahn Hermunen Henry
Germany: Viktor Anghius Locker, Michael Wagner, Susanne Schumacher
Georgia: Inga Shalvashvili, Nino Khvadagiani
Ireland: Padraic Reaney
Italy: Luzena Barbara Walder
Montenegro: Jelena Jovancov
Poland: Pawel Delekta, Lukasz Cywicki
Portugal: Antonio Mousinho
Russia: Viktoriia Egorova
Serbia: Nikola Pavlovic, Sonja Jofo
Slovenia: Lojze Kalinsek
Turkiye: Mahpeyker Yönsel
UK: Pamela Clarkson Kwami
Anca Sas
Elena Cristea
Oana-Cătălina Gavriliu
Daniela Areta Voștinar
Ruxandra Ștefana Munteanu
Gheorghe Munteanu
Elena Felicia Selejan
Călin Moldovan
Fodor Zsuzsanna
Stefan Balog
Rotaru Bianca Andreia
Luminiţa Monica Radu
Liana Vasilache
Constantin Adrian Corcăcel
Emilia Sandu
Ana-Maria Sandu
Ana Platon
Ștefania Iulia Munteanu
Dănuț Adrian Chidon-Frunză
Lucia Păscuț
Simona Damo
Szűcs Enikő
Marcel Muntean
Ecaterina Neagu
Rodica Strugaru
Anca Pașa Diaconu
Ovidiu Felipov
Diana Oțet
The Jury
conf.univ. dr. Răzvan-Constantin CARATĂNASE
visual artist, curator
Member I
visual artist, curator
Member II
Anca SAS
visual artist, designer, curator
Elena Cristea
visual artist, administrative director, “Inter-Art” Foundation
The ”Inter-Art” Intercontinental Biennial of Small Graphics Aiud reached its 9th edition and registered a real cultural progress presenting the latest productions of graphic arts. How did the ”Inter-Art” Intercontinental Biennial of Small Graphics Aiud become a landmark among significant profile events in the international space? There are several factors that are the basis of this effort and this way it is worth presenting them: the increased and systematic attention from the “Inter-Art” Foundation in order to organize it, the extensive interest of artists from various geographical areas to be present in the exhibition space; the tradition that this manifestation recorded and its resonance. The judging of the graphic creations (based on criteria of artistic conception, aesthetics, originality, technical rigor, etc.) was performed in two stages: in the first stage, each member of the jury received from the organizers the numbered creations (without indicating the names of the authors), later, each member of the commission nominated five creations giving them a different score; in the second stage, the centralization operation was performed and a ranking was established from which the award list resulted. The jury evaluated 101 works from 67 artists representing 30 countries and 4 continents and granted 7 recognitions. However, I would like to thank the artists for the interest they showed in their participation within the ”Inter-Art” Intercontinental Biennial of Small Graphics Aiud, thanks to the “Inter-Art” Foundation for all their efforts, thanks to my colleagues in the jury (Mrs. Rodica Strugaru and Anca Sas, evaluators, and Mrs. Elena Cristea, who provided the secretarial part), and last but not least, Mr. Stefan Balog (main coordinator and President of the “Inter-Art” Foundation) who was recently decorated by the President of Romania with the Order of “Cultural Merit” in the rank of Knight. In conclusion, the “Inter-Art Aiud Phenomenon” presented another remarkable episode in an international context and I am convinced that at the 10-th anniversary edition of the ”Inter-Art” Intercontinental Biennial of Small Graphics Aiud , everyone’s interest will be a real forzato in terms of cultural act.
Congratulations and good luck to all!
Conf. univ. dr. Răzvan-Constantin CARATĂNASE
President of the jury
I am very pleasantly surprised to see an impressive list of artists from all corners of the world at this edition of the Inter-Art Intercontinental Biennial of Small Graphics. I watched with delight the work of the jury that chose valuable winners after indepth debates. I am also very satisfied with the quality of the material accepted in the biennial, the works covering all segments of graphic techniques. Our event continues to support the proposed goal, the promotion of graphic arts in a universal context. It is a mission that the Inter-Art Foundation assumed from the beginning and that we want to carry forward.
Stefan BALOG
President, “Inter-Art” Foundation Aiud
The “Inter-Art” Foundation and the “Liviu Rebreanu” Multicultural Center Aiud are organising in 2023 the IXth edition of the “Inter-Art” Intercontinental Biennial of Small Graphics, in Aiud.
The Biennial inaugurates a new tradition in Aiud, so as to illustrate its title of CITY OF ARTS. Furthermore, this Biennial is one of its kind, if we think about what intercontinental means, as the organizers are counting on the participation of artists from all the continents and decided to break down the event into five segments representing five geographical areas, comprising all the continents: Europe, North and South America, Asia, Africa and Oceania.
Fundaţia „Inter-Art” Aiud şi Centrul Multicultural „Liviu Rebreanu” Aiud organizează, începând din anul 2006 Bienala Intercontinentală de Grafică Mică „Inter-Art” Aiud.
Bienala propune o nouă tradiţie pentru Aiud ca ORAŞ AL ARTELOR, şi aduce o premieră în ce priveşte definiţia de intercontinental, organizatorii dorind participarea artiştilor de pe toate continentele şi să compartimenteze evenimentul în patru segmente reprezentând cinci zone geografice care includ toate continentele lumii: Europa, America de Nord şi Sud, Asia, Africa şi Oceania.