We are excited to announce the launch of Inter-Art Publishing House Aiud!

Application to the “Inter-Art” International Art Camp 2025
Aiud, Romania, XXVIII-th edition, August 10-23, 2025
The artists who wish to attend the camp will send a portfolio made of a couple of finished artworks until March 1st, 2025, 12:00 AM / arrival date of the map (Romanian time, UTC+02:00)
Read the camp Regulation and download the entry form

Intercontinental Biennial of Small Graphics „Inter-Art” Aiud
the Xth edition, August, 2025
The “Inter-Art” Foundation Aiud launches a new challenge for the artists from all over the world.
The “Inter-Art” Foundation and the „Liviu Rebreanu” Multicultural Center Aiud are organising in 2025 the X-th edition of the “Inter-Art” Intercontinental Biennial of Small Graphics, in Aiud.
The Biennial inaugurates a new tradition in Aiud, so as to illustrate its title of CITY OF ARTS. Furthermore, this Biennial is one of its kind, if we think about what intercontinental means, as the organizers are counting on the participation of artists from all the continents and decided to break down the event into five segments representing five geographical areas, comprising all the continents: Eu
Details about the project: Intercontinental Biennial of Small Graphics 2025

Inter-Art Mailart Exhibition with theme “Future Earth”
The “Inter-Art” Foundation Aiud launches a new challenge for the artists from all over the world.
Our new Mail-Art project proposes a theme of the present, because now the future of our Planet is being decided.
We propose that artists from all over the world send us works that reflect their vision of our Planet in the future.
Details about the project: Inter-Art Mailart Exhibition with theme “Future Earth”

Art happening GENESIS
Balog & Corbu
Event dedicated to the celebration of 85 years since the inauguration of the “Calea Eroilor” Monumental Ensemble, made by Constantin Brâncuși, in Târgu Jiu, Romania.
Wednesday, 25th October 2023
“Constantin Brâncuşi” National Museum Târgu Jiu
Visual art: Stefan Balog
Music: Sergiu Corbu Boldor
Coreography: Skepsis Theatre Group
Project coordinator: Denisa Şuţă, Manager MNCB
Video: K-Visuals

Interethnic exhibition of Contemporary Romanian Art
50 artists – 21 ethnical groups
Event held under the High Patronage of the President of Romania
Consulate General of Romania in Los Angeles – 27th of November, 2023
Exhibition Opening Reception
27th of November, 2023 at 7.00 PM, Consulate General of Romania in Los Angeles
Artists in the exhibition
Anghiuş Locker Viktor: German community
Balog Stefan: Hungarian community
Balog Zoltán: Hungarian community
Besu Marieta: Romanian community
Boeriu Mircea : Romanian community
Boicescu Traian Ştefan: Italian community
Caratănase Răzvan Constantin: Romanian community
Cociş Cosmin: Romanian community
Cozma Georgiana: Romanian community
Cristea Elena: Romanian community
Culuş Bianca: Romanian community
Darida Alexandru: Romanian community
Dub Vasile: Jewish community
Dumitrescu Mirela: Macedonian community
Gheorghe Munteanu: Ukrainian community
Gnandt Stefan: German community
Horváth Gyöngyvér: Hungarian community
Iaia Ferodin: Tatar community
Ifrim Lacme: Turkish community
Ionescu Berechet Cristina: Greek community
Ispas Alexandru Nicolae: Romanian community
Karkus Blazena Miroslava: Slovak community
Lavrente Irina: Lipovan Russian community
Lipot Ştefan: Romanian community
Lixandru Robert: Hungarian community
Lovász Noemi: Hungarian community
Lucaciu Adriana: Romanian community
Mirea Nevena: Serbian community
Mleziva Iosif: Czech community
Nanciu Denis: Roma community
Nani Corina: Romanian community
Neagu Ecaterina: Hungarian community
Oprisa Cristina Gloria: Romanian community
Oprişan Letiţia: Romanian community
Panighianţ Ovidiu: Armenian community
Pîrvan Rus Lelia: Romanian community
Poca Ecaterina: Romanian community
Rus Andreea: Romanian community
Sas Anca: Romanian community
Semenescu Kureta Oriola: Albanian community
Sepi Valeriu: German community
Simionescu Atena: Romanian community
Strugaru Rodica: Romanian community
Ştirbu Gheorghe: Romanian community
Tincul Adrian: Croatian community
Tomaselli Angela: Italian community
Truţulescu Marian: Romanian community
Ungureanu Constantin: Ruthenian community
Vasilcin Ivan: Bulgarian community
Zapotoţchi Cristina Emanuela: Polish community
Opening speech
H.E. Lucia Sava,
Consul General of Romania in Los Angeles
Mr. Dincer Geafer,
Undersecretary of State –
Department for Interethnic Relations, Government of Romania
Exhibition Curator
Stefan Balog,
President, “Inter-Art” Foundation Aiud
Opening Reception
Monday, 27th of November, 2023 at 7.00 PM
Consulate General of Romania in Los Angeles
(11766 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 200)
Book presentations
“Poems” by Patricia Goodrich & Ioan Hădărig
“Dialogue with Bacovia“ by Stefan Balog
“Guide to the permanent exhibition of the Aiud Museum of Natural Sciences, Volume I“ by Ramona Elena Mărginean, Iulia Diana Ștefănescu, Aurica Ileana Negru
“Images of diversity“ by the Department for Interethnic Relations – Government of Romania and the “Inter-Art“ Foundation Aiud, Romania
“My Aiud“ by Robert Lixandru & Ioan Hădărig
“Alba Iulia – Images engraved in time“ by Stefan Balog
“Visual Poems: Dickinson and Blaga“ album of the Romanian-American engraving exhibition
“Graphic feelings“ album of the “Inter-Art” International Graphic Exhibition 2020
“Solidarity for the community“ Online Interethnic Exhibition Album 2020
“Visions and thoughts“ by Zoltan Balog & Stefan Balog
Presented by
Ioan Hădărig, Art Director, “Inter-Art” Foundation Aiud
Romanian music performance
Daniel & Dan Avram

A new Inter-Art initiative, organized in partnership with the KARP Association from Togo
Intercontinental Art Exhibition
70 artists-70 countries-6 continents
Curator: STEFAN BALOG, president “Inter-Art” Foundation
Project coordinator: SAMUEL OLOU, founder & art director KARP
Welcome speach: AAYILLEH GAITON AYENA, president KARP
Opening ceremony: November 7, 2023 at 4.00 PM
Place: Atakpamé City Hall, TOGO
Exhibition opening
Artists in the exhibition
Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani – République Togolaise
Aichatou Dieng – Sénégal
Ana Jovanovska – Macédoine du Nord
Ann-Pia Azizuddin – Suède
Antonio Mousinho – Portugal
Antra Ivdra – Lettonie
Baptiste Verdoliva – France
Biniam Afwerki – Érythrée
Carolina Busquets – Chili
Chadi Salama – Egypte
Christine Kertz – Autriche
Clemens Beungkun Sou – République de Corée
Damo Istvan – Hongrie
Dione Rabelo – Brésil
Eugeniusz Delekta – Pologne
Gauvri Floki – Argentine
Gen Morimoto – Japon
Geza Nemeth – Slovaquie
Grahn Hermunen Henry – Finlande
Hagop Sulahian – Arménie
Hama Goro – Mali
He Lihong – Chine
Hilda Kelekian – Chypre
Houda Ajili – Tunisie
Inga Shalvashvili – Géorgie
Irena Gayatri Horvat – Croatie
Jelena Jovancov – Monténégro
Kingsley Nwabia – Nigéria
Konstantinos Meramveliotakis – Grèce
Lena Kelekian – Liban
Linda Fardoe – Australie
Lojze Kalinsek – Slovénie
Maha Alhazani – Arabie Saoudite
Mahgoub Al-Magboul – Soudan
Maria Victoria Bone Ramirez – Uruguay
Mariela Canchari – Italie
Mauricio Vega Vivas – Mexique
Mervat Barambo – Syrie
Mişcişina Iulia-Laolli – République de Moldavie
Nadine Jeanneton – Maurice
Nicola Gibbons – Nouvelle-Zélande
Olga Flores – Pérou
Olga Tereshchenko – Biélorussie
Oriola Kureta Semenescu – Albanie
Özlem Kalkan Erenus – Turquie
Padraic Reaney – Irlande
Pamela Clarkson Kwami – Royaume-Uni
Patricia Goodrich – États-Unis
Patrick Cauvin – Haïti
Petra Jovanovska – République tchèque
Reti Saks – Estonie
Rich Dethlefsen – Danemark
Rita Vandevorst – Belgique
Sasha Pevse – Ukraine
Sebastian Mello – Costa Rica
Sidney Cerqueira – Guinée-Bissau
Snezana Kezele – Serbie
Stefan Balog – Roumanie
Suelin Low Chew Tung – Grenade
Susie Veroff – Canada
Suzlee Ibrahim – Malaisie
Tamerat Siltan – Éthiopie
Temenuga Hristova – Bulgarie
Varda Breger – Israël
Vera Staub – Suisse
Viktor Anghius Locker – Allemagne
Viktoriia Egorova – Russie
Walter Anchico – Colombie
Yusif Katanov – Azerbaïdjan
Zakir Sabirov – Tadjikistan

Inter-Art Mailart Exhibition with theme “Hope”
The “Inter-Art” Foundation Aiud launches a new challenge for the artists from all over the world.
Our new Mail-Art project proposes a very welcome theme. In an absurd world where violence and intolerance are dominant factors, all we have left is HOPE.
We propose that artists around the world send us their artworks dedicated to this topic.
Details about the project: Inter-Art Mailart Exhibition with theme “Hope”

Inter-Art Mailart Exhibition with theme “Apollo-the God of Light”
We dedicate this Mail Art exhibition to the 10th, anniversary edition of the Apollo International Youth Theater Festival, initiated and organized by the Skepsis Group from Alba Iulia. Apollo is, in Greek and Roman mythology, the god of the day, of light and the arts, of prophecy, protector of poetry and music, leader of the choir of the muses and personification of the Sun. One of the most important and complex Greek deities, Apollo was worshiped as the son of Zeus and the goddess Leto.
We propose that artists around the world send us their artworks dedicated to this topic.
Details about the project: Inter-Art Mailart Exhibition with theme “Apollo-the God of Light”
1. Andorra
2. Angola
3. Antigua and Barbuda
4. Bahamas
5. Belize
6. Benin
7. Bhutan
8. Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
9. Botswana
10. Burundi
11. Cambodia
12. Cameroon
13. Cape Verde
14. Central African Republic
15. Chad
16. Comoros
17. Congo, Republic of the…
18. Côte d’Ivoire
19. Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
20. Democratic Republic of the Congo
21. Djibouti
22. Dominica
23. Equatorial Guinea
24. Eritrea
25. Fiji
26. Gabon
27. Gambia
28. Guyana
29. Honduras
30. Jamaica
31. Kazakhstan
32. Kiribati
33. Kuwait
34. Lao People’s Democratic Republic
35. Lesotho
36. Liberia
37. Libya
38. Liechtenstein
39. Malawi
40. Maldives
41. Mali
42. Marshall Islands
43. Mauritania
44. Monaco
45. Myanmar
46. Nauru
47. Nicaragua
48. Niger
49. Oman
50. Pakistan
51. Palau
52. Papua New Guinea
53. Paraguay
54. Saint Kitts and Nevis
55. Saint Lucia
56. Samoa
57. San Marino
58. Sao Tome and Principe
59. Seychelles
60. Sierra Leone
61. Solomon Islands
62. Somalia
63. South Sudan
64. Swaziland
65. Tajikistan
66. Tonga
67. Turkmenistan
68. Tuvalu
69. Uganda
70. United Arab Emirates
71. United Republic of Tanzania
72. Vanuatu
73. Yemen
74. Zambia
75. Zimbabwe
If you know artists (painters, graphic or sculpture artists, photographers) from these countries please help us to complete our list.
The Inter-Art Board.